Conferences & public lectures

DH 2014, Lausanne, Schweiz – 8.-11.07.2014

Presentation with Evelyn Gius and Janina Jacke: “Pushing back the boundary of interpretation: concept, practice and relevance of a digital heuristic.”

CAUTG (Conference of the Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of German) in Verbindung mit Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences und der Canadaian Society for the Digital Humanities, St.Catherine’s, Canada – 24.-28.05.2014

CAUTG-keynote address, 27 May 2014: “The DH Paradox: Challenges and Opportunities for the Hermeneutic Disciplines”

Third Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature, April 27, 2014, Göteborg, Sweden, co-located with EACL 2014

Invited talk: “heureCLÉA or the computational triangulation of Narrative: Narratology meets Machine Learning.”

DH Israel Workshop 2014, Ben Gurion University, Beer Shava, Israel – 23-24.04.2014

Lecture: “What’s the point of the digital for the humanities? The example of the heureCLÉA project.”

Nordic Narratology Network 2014, Universität Kiel, 10.-11.4.2014

Vortrag: “Computational Narratology.”

DHd 2014: 1. Jahrestagung des Verbandes Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, Universität Passau, 25.-28.03.2014

Presentation with Evelyn Gius and Janina Jacke: “Informatik und Hermeneutik. Erste Erkenntnisse aus dem heureCLÉA­-Projekt.”

2013 (selection)

2013 “Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative.”  University of Hamburg, 4–6 August 2013.

A satellite workshop of CogSci 2013: The 35th meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Humboldt-University Berlin, 31 July – 3 August: Symposium on “Computational and Cognitive Aspects of Narratives.” In cooperation with Mark A. Finlayson, Bernhard Fisseni, Dedre Gentner, Richard Gerrig, Benedikt Lowe, Jeffrey Loewenstein, Inderjeet Mani and R. Michael Young

International Conference on Narrative, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester/UK, 26-30 June 2013

Keynote address: “How to study narratives by computer: crowdsourcing narrative analysis via the web”

What Are Digital Humanities? A Public PhD Seminar at the Faculty of Humanities / University of Oslo, 14 June 2013

Keynote: “What Propp Probably Really Had in Mind, But Didn’t Dare to Think: Toward an Applied Computational Narratology”

Bonner Zentrum für transkulturelle Narratologie, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, 29 May 2013

“Computational Narratology – zur Entwicklung eines neuen Methodenparadigmas in der Erzählforschung”

The 3rd ENN Conference: Emerging Vectors of Narratology /  Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, 29-30 March 2013

Keynote lecture: “Towards a Computational Narratology.”

2012 (selection)

– to follow –

2011 (selection)

– to follow –

2010 (selection)

– to follow –

pre-2010 (selection)

 Computer und Menschlichkeit

Vortrag im Rahmen der 7. Langeooger Fortbildungswochen / 7. Psychotherapietage des Kindes- und Jugendalters: „Kindheit im digitalen Zeitalter“, 04.06.2009

Frontbericht: Geisteswissenschaften und Computer – ein Krieg der Welten?

Vortrag im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung “Medien und Bildung” an der Fakultät EPB der Universität Hamburg, 05.06.2007


DH 2014, Lausanne, Schweiz – 8.-11.07.2014

Vortrag mit Evelyn Gius und Janina Jacke: “Pushing back the boundary of interpretation: concept, practice and relevance of a digital heuristic.” 

CAUTG (Conference of the Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of German) in Verbindung mit Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences und der Canadian Society for the Digital Humanities, St.Catherine’s, Canada – 24.-28.05.2014

CAUTG-keynote address, 27 May 2014: “The DH Paradox: Challenges and Opportunities for the Hermeneutic Disciplines”

Third Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature, April 27, 2014, Göteborg, Sweden, co-located with EACL 2014

Invited talk: “heureCLÉA or the computational triangulation of Narrative: Narratology meets Machine Learning.”

DH Israel Workshop 2014, Ben Gurion University, Beer Shava, Israel – 23-24.04.2014

Lecture: “What’s the point of the digital for the humanities? The example of the heureCLÉA project.”

Nordic Narratology Network 2014, Universität Kiel, 10.-11.4.2014

Vortrag: “Computational Narratology.”

DHd 2014: 1. Jahrestagung des Verbandes Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, Universität Passau, 25.-28.03.2014

Vortrag mit Evelyn Gius und Janina Jacke: “Informatik und Hermeneutik. Erste Erkenntnisse aus dem heureCLÉA­-Projekt.”

2013 (Auswahl)

2013 “Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative.” University of Hamburg, 4–6 August 2013.

A satellite workshop of CogSci 2013: The 35th meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Co-organizer with Mark A. Finlayson, Bernhard Fisseni, Benedikt Löwe.

CogSci 2013: The 35th meeting of the Cognitive Science Society / Humboldt-University Berlin, 31 July – 3 August.

Beitrag zum Symposium “Computational and Cognitive Aspects of Narratives.” In cooperation with Mark A. Finlayson, Bernhard Fisseni, Dedre Gentner, Richard Gerrig, Benedikt Lowe, Jeffrey Loewenstein, Inderjeet Mani and R. Michael Young

International Conference on Narrative / Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester/UK, 26-30 June 2013

Vortrag: “How to study narratives by computer: crowdsourcing narrative analysis via the web”

What Are Digital Humanities? A Public PhD Seminar at the Faculty of Humanities / University of Oslo, 14 June 2013

Keynote: “What Propp Probably Really Had in Mind, But Didn’t Dare to Think: Toward an Applied Computational Narratology”

Bonner Zentrum für transkulturelle Narratologie / Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, 29 May 2013

Vortrag: “Computational Narratology – zur Entwicklung eines neuen Methodenparadigmas in der Erzählforschung”

The 3rd ENN Conference: Emerging Vectors of Narratology /  Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, 29-30 March 2013

Keynote lecture: “Towards a Computational Narratology.”

2012 – 2010 (Auswahl)

– wird ergänzt –

pre-2010 (Auswahl)

 Computer und Menschlichkeit

Vortrag im Rahmen der 7. Langeooger Fortbildungswochen / 7. Psychotherapietage des Kindes- und Jugendalters: „Kindheit im digitalen Zeitalter“, 04.06.2009

Frontbericht: Geisteswissenschaften und Computer – ein Krieg der Welten?

Vortrag im Rahmen der Ringvorlesung “Medien und Bildung” an der Fakultät EPB der Universität Hamburg, 05.06.2007